African daisies, gerbera, daisies all make up this beautiful collection of flowers. Valise colorful mix is comprised of orange-peach, cream-white, yellow-purple, peach-pink and cream-peach flowers. These gorgeous daisies come snugged in a black velvet inspired handheld carrier for easy handling of these beauties. Held together by a beautiful golden bow.  Fill wt. 0.27lb, Dimensions: 12″L 5″H




Valise colorful mix of soap flowers is comprised of 15 African daisies, gerbera, & daisies.

  • 3 orange-peach
  • 3 cream-white
  • 3 yellow-purple
  • 3 peach-pink
  • 3 cream-peach 


Wet skin and/or washcloth, hand, loofah, sponge, etc. Place flower, stem, and grass onto wet skin, then rub to create lather. Lather up and enjoy your wash. For added relaxation place flowers in bathwater and pour in one of our skin soothing naturally made  bath cleansers to create your own oasis. We hope you take great pleasure in this product.


Coming soon


Key Ingredients: (flowers/leaves) organic coconut oil, organic aloe vera, organic shea butter, organic olive oil, organic sunflower oil & natural rosemary extract.